Join Our Network

We encourage our members to actively engage in personal and career development through networking and small group activities. Join our network and Interest Groups today.

For inquiries, suggestions for a new interest group, and volunteer opportunities as a group leader, please email us at

Interest Groups

  • Accountants

    Accounting group is a community of professionals and students to network and share job information or study advice for those pursuing a career in accounting.

  • Artists

    Simple Steps artists communicate on an ongoing basis to share their art-making tips, exhibition openings, and arts-related news. Members are invited to participate in annual group exhibitions and craft fairs to engage with the community and promote their artwork.

    View current Artist Group members

  • Entrepreneurs

    Entrepreneurs Group welcomes all entrepreneurs who are currently running a business, planning a business or side projects, and budding entrepreneurs who are seeking ideas and business advice. This is a safe community to share real-life experiences and network with other entrepreneurs.

  • Product Managers

    The Product Manager Interest Group is for anyone who is pursuing a career in product management in various fields. This group is a casual networking group to ask questions or share ideas with other product managers.

  • Programmers

    Are you interested in studying programming languages? Do you need accountability partners to get you started and keep you on track? Do you want to prepare for development job interviews? Simple Steps runs various coding study groups to meet your specific needs.

    Study groups offered are: Algorithm practice, Leetcode problem solving, Python, Web development (HTML, CSS, Javascript), Data analysis, and more.

    View Coding Study Groups

  • UI/UX Designers

    The UX/Product Designer Group is an educational and social initiative for designers of all levels. The members share resources and participate in challenges to update their portfolios with the current trend. The group members are encouraged to share constructive feedback to improve their portfolios actively. We also offer a portfolio review by professionals as a special event.

  • Writers

    Whether you are a published author or someone who “always wanted to write,” this is a place for you.

    From creative writers to bloggers, all writers are welcome. Writer Group keeps you accountable and motivated, allows you to share your knowledge and tips, and start writing projects as a team. Want to keep you connected to the writing world?

  • Journaling Challenge Group

    With the fast approaching of the year’s end, you may want to take moments to reflect upon your accomplishments and fond memories of the year or think about the big emotions and challenges you had this year.

    We will provide 4 writing prompts every week. You will be able to think about what you learned, things you are grateful for, and the path ahead.

    *This challenge is seasonal. Stay tuned for updates.

  • Reading Challenge Group

    Challenge yourself to read for 20 minutes a day. Group members share the title and the author of the book or article of their choice with the group and check daily how many pages they have read, along with a screenshot or lines from the book that made an impression. The goal is to encourage reading at least 20 minutes daily and finishing the book/article.

Simple Steps Interest Groups use Slack as the main communication platform. Join to start learning and networking.

Click the button below to sign up, and you will be invited to Slack within 48 hours. Your participation is a critical and vital part of maintaining our community network healthy, motivating, and beneficial for everyone at Simple Steps.