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Connecting the Dots: A Brand Marketer’s Story by Jin Kim


Now you can find Bibigo Mandu in every frozen aisle in the US market. Have you ever wondered about the person who markets Bibigo? Please join us on Saturday, May 22nd, 2021 at 7 PM (PDT) / 10 PM (EDT) to learn about how to read the market and find the opportunities from Jin Kim, Marketing Executive at CJ. In this webinar, Jin will share her career experiences and how she could market herself to find better opportunities. 

미국 곳곳에서 눈에 띄는 비비고 만두를 발견했을 때, 혹시 생각해보셨나요? 이 먼 곳까지 한국의 만두를 팔고 있는 사람은 누구일까? CJ제일제당 식품마케팅 담당 김숙진 상무님을 초대했어요. 심리학과 사회학을 공부하고, 마케팅 조사업체에서 커리어를 시작해 브랜드 마케터가 되기까지. 사람의 마음과 세상의 흐름을 이해하고 나에게 맞는 여러 선택들로 이어온 숙진님의 커리어 이야기가 준비되어 있습니다. 숙진님의 커리어 경험과 브랜드 마케터는 어떻게 흐름을 읽고 기회를 포착하는지 들어보세요. 

Jin Kim is the Marketing Executive at CJ in Seoul, Korea. She started her career as a marketing researcher at TNS Korea after she studied psychology and sociology. She changed her career as a brand marketer and has successfully led marketing strategies at CJ for 10 years. She earned her B.A. in psychology and sociology from Ewha Women’s University and M.A. in psychology from Korea University. Now she is a Ph.D. candidate in Marketing at Dongguk University. Please find more about Jin Kim here.


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Simple Hour: May 19, 2021 @ 8 PM

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